The 40 Degreez Centre provides a venue for all young people in the Farnham area (currently around 5000 in the age range 10 to 25 years old) to meet in a safe and informal environment, supporting a variety of leisure, social and advisory activities. The main activities include:
Youth café/drop-in, which will provide the core activity for the centre to establish its identity as an informal and safe drop-in for young people. The café is a key element of the existing 40 Degreez Centre clubs.
Clubs, groups and youth support organisations will be encouraged to continue to book group meeting rooms and other facilities on a per-occasion or regular basis. Rent for use of the space will be a main element of the income in order to make the 40 Degreez self-funding.
Targetted work with young people at risk of social or educational exclusion, for which the services of a range of agencies will be used, all under one roof including Surrey Youth Support, Waverley Youth Forum, Waverley Training Services, Surrey Children’s Services who rent space for teaching and Social Work Teams and for family meetings. Many other agencies, such as SADAS use the facility.
TFN Education represents four schools in the Farnham and Ash area. TFN uses the facilities at 40 Degreez during term time to provide learning opportunities in a safe and secure environment. Students are supported by TFN and school staff.