As a registered charity we rely on two sources of income : donations and grants from charitable trusts and other funders and income from our room hire business. We offer a range of services for young people and any group can hire our facilities.
You can help us in many ways.
There is a stack of evidence to support the good work carried out at the 40 Degreez Centre. The youth clubs are thriving with full and interesting programmes; the room hire business is increasing and donations and charitable grants are still flowing into the coffers.
But, and there is always a “but”, the success of the services offered by the 40 Degreez Centre will only continue to thrive if we can maintain and grow our team of volunteers. This is where you come in. There are a number of volunteer schemes available:
Helping at one of the weekly clubs:
Or maybe you’re able to help out during the school holidays when the centre hosts a wide range of workshops and trips for young people when extra volunteers are always welcome.
Or perhaps you would consider becoming a trustee. The board of Trustees meets four times a year and the working group, to which everyday management is delegated, meet once a month.
Enthusiasm is more important than qualifications although all volunteers working with young people must have a current police check certificate which we can organise.
If you would like more information on any of these exciting opportunities please contact us.
Any donations would be gratefully received. Please contact us or donate on-line:
Account name: 40 Degreez
Account No.: 00009187
Sort Code: 40-52-40
White Stuff
Other ways to support us is via White Stuff clothes retailer in The Borough and South Street Sainsburys. The 40 Degreez Centre works in partnership with White Stuff. Farnham manager Victoria organises customer events throughout the year and the proceeds from which are donated to the 40 Degreez Centre. Last year we managed to buy some much needed equipment and send some of our club members on some trips during the summer school holidays.
Sainsbury’s continues to support the work of 40 Degreez by providing a donation box in store for customers. The donated food is used at the various weekly youth activities held at 40 Degreez and when a donation is not likely to be used it is donated to the Farnham Food Bank – so nothing gets wasted. Thank you very much Sainsbury’s customers for providing good nutritious food for our young people. Your generosity has saved us precious money which we can now spend on providing our essential services to the young people of Farnham.
Please continue to support us through White Stuff and Sainsbury’s by going into the shops and becoming one of their loyal customers.
Joining In
Contribute to our Facebook and Twitter pages and spread the word. Or just use our facilities, send your children to our clubs, and support our Fund Raising events.