We have been closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation each day and our policy is to take advice and instruction from the relevant agencies including Department of Health and Public Health England.
Please make sure that you keep yourselves informed and that you follow the relevant advice as it applies to you personally and with consideration for the wider public , including all of the other user groups that occupy 40 Degreez.
Use the 111 online coronavirus service to find out what to do next.
We ask that you do not come to 40 Degreez if you show or experience any viral-like symptoms.
The BBC WHO guidance on symptoms is:

We wish to reduce the chance of transmission of infection by encouraging users and staff to cover their mouths when coughing, dispose of tissues promptly and carefully, and wash their hands frequently with soap and water. We encourage you to take these simple precautions at home too.
The guidance on this is shown below:

The most up to date information for the public can be found here:
We will use our best endeavours to keep our policy updated but encourage all users to remain vigilant about the changes made and communicated by the Government and Public Health in this present environment that is subject to rapid change on a day to day basis.
What measures are being taken to reduce the risk of the virus spreading?
We have put a variety of different measures in place, which include enhanced cleaning of all the common areas and hard surfaces likely to be touched by users, boosting supplies of hand soap and sanitizer and providing the latest information via leaflets and posters. We will ask users to spray down surfaces they have themselves come into contact with at the end of each session as a minimum standard of care to subsequent users.
We’ll follow Government guidance and take any further steps necessary as the situation changes.
What happens if I feel unwell when I’m attending 40 Degreez?
If you feel unwell with Coronavirus symptoms (see the NHS website for information), you should leave 40 Degreez immediately, and follow the published guidance.
Updated, Tuesday 17 March 2020