Challenge for 40 Degreez

On May 3rd, my friend Aaron Surridge and I accomplished something truly exhilarating – we conquered Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain in the UK, all in support of 40 Degreez, a charity that does wonderful work supporting young adults in Farnham.

After our first attempt in January was thwarted by weather, we were determined to try again. Setting off on Friday afternoon after a late-night drive from London, we embarked on the mountain path to the summit, blessed with much kinder weather this time around. Despite it being May 3rd, we encountered significant snow at the top, adding to the challenge and the beauty of our ascent.

Camping overnight atop Ben Nevis, we were treated to a breath taking sunset and a sunrise that was equally spectacular. Our gear stood up admirably to the cold and a 3am downpour, making our overnight stay reasonably comfortable.

Descending via the Carn Mor Dearg Arete, we were rewarded with solitude and stunning views of the mountain’s north face and the southern ranges. Our journey also included a thrilling descent to the valley below, where we paused briefly at the CIC hut – an adventure worth every moment.

Reflecting on these incredible 24 hours, Aaron and I are immensely grateful for the support and donations we’ve received for this wonderful cause. Thank you all for your generosity and encouragement! Quote by Daniel Pereira

LaLeche donate £1,000 towards new carpet

La Leche is a regular user of 40 Degreez supporting mums with breastfeeding. They have wanted to help 40 Degreez for a while to show their appreciation of the space & decided the carpet was the ideal project, they donated £1000 towards the cost of the new carpet. It is so much appreciated when hire groups give us feedback & help to improve the environment that will benefit everyone that uses 40 Degreez.

AdaptDementia add another session

AdaptDementia have added another session to their support at 40 Degreez, starting at 2.30pm. For more information contact Mary on 07751903252 or email Mary Jordan:

40 Degreez enters Scarecrow and Harvest Festival

40 Degreez has entered the Scarecrow & Harvest Festival being held at St Thomas on the Bourne. The festival is running from Friday 23 – Sunday 30 September. Our young people made a Hungry Caterpillar scarecrow with Sarah, unfortunately our scarecrow won’t be able to be fully seen as the stakes wouldn’t go into the ground & a stand had to be used. However we are hoping to use him within the Garden Project where he can be seen fully in all his glory.

Welcome to the Quilting group

Welcome to the Quilting group. Iwan & Liselle met with Otto to discuss how 40 Degreez could help the local Ukrainian families, the result – using the main hall & kitchen. 40 Degreez is extremely pleased in supporting this group, it is not only a quilting group but a time where Ukrainian families who are living in the local area can come together to socialise & support each other. The first session today, was arranged within a very short timescale. When asked how it went, Otto replied ‘Much better than I thought it would. Those who attended loved the set up of cooking together and socialising.’ It was so much so that during the following week, it was decided they wanted to use the hall on a weekly basis as opposed to the original every other week. We hope that your numbers continue to grow.

Minion has flowers!

At the beginning of the Summer, small bedding plants were planted round the minion. Just look at them now, despite the hot sun, with the hard work keeping them watered by the staff & we think other users of 40 Degreez – thank you! They have flourished beautifully & will no doubt go into the Autumn. Homebase very kindly donated the plants for our Gardening Project, which has given everyone some colour to enjoy during the glorious Summer months.

Herbs and Vegetables

During the Gardening Project this week, they sowed seeds for herbs & got the vegetable planter ready to sow more vegetables that will be used during the Health Hub, when teaching the young people cooking skills. A great way of upcycling using the bottles as planters. The project looks at ways that items can be reused.

Gardening project grows

As the Summer draws to an end, the Gardening Project made the most of the light evening tonight. During the Health Hub, Sarah worked with young people & did some planting of baskets & hanging buckets decorated during other sessions for a splash of Autumnal & Winter colour. If gardening isn’t their thing, they are still getting involved in the project by adding their own personal stamp on the items used within the garden. or helping to build planters.